Mission, Vision, & Values
Who we are matters, not what drugs we use
“We come into harm reduction work and the Harm Reduction movement from different places: our own personal experiences with drug use, our love or grief for family members and friends, our professional experiences and commitments, our exposure to justice. Whatever the pathway, it moves us to look through the veils of stigma and criminalization to see the full humanity and potential of people - including ourselves - that society has deemed deviant, dangerous, and disposable.”
National Harm Reduction Coalition
Every person’s life and wellbeing are inherently valuable. We want to center the perspectives of the individuals in front of us. We recognize the wisdom all individuals have as experts in our own lives, and the power all people have together.
Every person has a right to do with their body what they want to or must, free from judgment, shame, and criminalization and with full access to the resources needed to exercise this autonomy with as much safety and choice as possible.
The U.S. legacy of enslavement and exclusionary policies are the root cause of harms we are collectively undoing. We seek to recognize, name, and work to dismantle the ways that anti-Black and anti-immigrant racism manifests in our work and in public health and drug policies.

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Harm reduction is essential. A harm reduction approach to drug use is the best strategy we have to end the overdose crisis, reduce risks associated with drug use, and affirm the dignity and bodily autonomy of every New Jerseyan.